tis 22 feb.
Master Class online in Myth, Music and the Expressive Arts
It is with great joy we welcome you to a unique journey through rich mythic landscapes accompanied by music and the arts with Leslie Bunt and Margareta Wärja! For more information click the blue button to the right, "Läs mer."
Tid & plats
22 feb. 2022 18:30 CET – 05 apr. 2022 21:00 CEST
Om workshopen
It is with great joy we welcome you to a unique journey through rich mythic landscapes accompanied by music and
the arts!
In his 1991 book “The Cry for Myth” Rollo May underlined the need for the rediscovery of myth for contemporary times and to explore connections with our work as therapists. Today, 30 years later, his ‘cry’ seems even more urgent. We need vivid mythic stories to accompany and hold us through the creative cycles of life, death, love and transformation, including the challenges of the pandemic. Such stories help us surrender to what makes life worth living.
In these classes aimied at experienced practitioners (such as therapists, educators, and artists) we provide fresh perspectives on myths as guides for today. We will dive into the rich weave of three myths (over six sessions) that continue to have resonances and meaning today. This course will provide professional, personal, and artistic development. Participation in small "Mythic Arts Buddies" for support and inspiration will be an added option. The taught content of the sessions will be recorded (not any experiential work) and accessible along with extra material. This journey will be facilitated by Margareta Wärja and Leslie Bunt, educators in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM), therapists, researchers, who have collaborated in myth-based workshops for about 15 years. For you who have experienced working wih us before, this will be a time to go deeper... For others, let's dive in!
February 22 and March 1: The Yggdrasil and the Norns
An exploration of creation and the weaving of time and change. What is Mother Nature, and these myths teaching us about our responses to current crises, to chaos, and how to bring hope into our communities?
March 8 (International Women´s Day) and March 15: The Descent and Return of Inanna
What does this ancient Sumerian myth of a strong and yet vulnerable heroine teach all of us about embracing our sexuality, meeting our compelling shadows, and also how to return from the dark with renewed wisdom?
March 29 and April 5: Tristan and Isolde
What can moving through the borders of life and death, across sea and land, teach us about our human condition, our spirituality, and the positive and negative forces of transformative love and ecstasy?
Tuesday evenings
6.30 - 9 pm CET
Cost and registration
Early Bird 4900 SEK (approx 495 Euros), before December 15. Thereafter 5600 SEK (approx 565 Euros). Registration is now open. Space is limited. First come…
Come and join us for some profound and creative play!
Contact margareta.warja@expressivearts.se